Saturday, July 26, 2008

How To Win Back a Cheating Partner/Spouse in 7 Days

The Magic of Making Up

The Magic of Making Up


How 7 days pass by so fast.......I really hope you are achieving the romance that both you and your partners were aiming for........

Day 7:

~ Just sleep in and cuddle together. Call into work and explain you are “under the weather” and need to rest a bit more before coming in.

~ Make a long list of the many reasons why you love your partner as you do and then have them framed and present it to him or her.

~ If you don’t live together, call your loved one just to say goodnight. Recite a favorite love poem over the phone and end with, “Sweet dreams, until we meet again!”

Do you know the tell tale clues that your partner have a special place in their heart? Find out exactly what you need to look for at Winning Back A Cheating Spouse

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